Letting go

Creating Space in the Present

ben van 't ende
ben van 't ende


“Colorful balloons on a string against a blue sky” by Andreas Weiland on Unsplash

Control as a centralised power hub or force in itself rarely is something that is sustainable in the long run.

These words were dormant in my Tumblr drafts folder, waiting to become this article. Writing is challenging. My first posts were tough, oozing out measured, but resting, to be woken up and kind of waiting in my drafts' folder, almost done to be sent. This post requires time before sent …

… And indeed it has been waiting for years now … and some more:

The awareness that comes with writing is compelling, but also challenging. Upscaling discipline and creating writing habits creates a flow.

Writing makes you pay attention to what is going on around you and think about the significance of events. The small can easily become an understanding and momentous occasion, lifting the insignificant into the spotlight.

Years ago, I changed some habits. I imagined myself walking with my white shepherds early in the morning while everyone was still asleep. It did not happen overnight though, but by keeping the vision and the focus, things happen in a seemingly natural way.

Visualizing the writing challenge and wanting to write daily works the same. One morning I sat and procrastinated, not knowing what to write, but then letting go of the pressure made words flow out of the keyboard. It is just like James Altucher writes on Quora: “Some days I can’t think of what to write. But I stare at the screen and write whatever I want. Nobody can stop me”.

Procrastinating is a habit that makes me feel guilty, having the eternal feeling nothing gets done, making me feel stressed and upset. I was always a master at putting everything off to the last minute. Finishing things at the last minute with a stressed feeling gives half-baked results and not something to be really satisfied with.

Just visualize what is important for you today and all distractions, unanswered mails, will lose importance, so you can focus.

Pause and go! (No matter how long the pause)

